Boost Pronunciation Education with AI! Lingo Mii
Trial application
Try to use it now! button to try out our newest pronunciation training system, Lingo Mii. We have also prepared a FAQ at the bottom of this page, so if you have any questions about how to use the system, please take advantage of it. We will also have a LinkdIn community group where users can follow each other and learn how to use the system, so your help would be very much appreciated.
Learn the basics of Lingo Mii in this video!
Lingo Mii Overview
Functions on the teacher's side
Functions on the student side
What if I don't know how to use it?
Help support, FAQ
Please contact us for your primary contract-related inquiries regarding Lingo Mii plans and how to register and install Lingo Mii.
Copyright 2023 Lingo Mii Inc. - All Rights Reserved.